Cleaning Services
Khaleeji Cleaning for a Khaleeji Look

Khaleeji Cleaning for a Khaleeji Look

Have you ever wondered how to properly clean your abaya and kandura? As the traditional form of dress for men in Middle Eastern countries, it’s important to know how to keep these clothes looking their best. While many people tend to dry-clean their garments on a regular basis, there are some easy steps you can take at home that will help extend the life of your abaya and kandura.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss everything from proper care instructions for each type of fabric used in these garments, as well as more advanced cleaning techniques such as spot treatment and ironing skills. No matter what level of expertise you have with caring for your wardrobe, by following these guidelines anyone can become an expert cleaner!

  • Check the Care Instructions

Carefully read the labels or any accompanying instructions that come with your abaya and kandura. Look for specific guidelines regarding cleaning methods, water temperature, detergents, and any other special considerations.

  • Spot Treat Stains

Examine the garments for any stains or spots. If you notice any, gently dab them with a mild detergent or a stain remover appropriate for the fabric. It’s essential to perform a patch test on a small, inconspicuous area before applying the product to the stained area to ensure it won’t cause any discoloration or damage.

  • Handwashing or Machine Washing

Depending on the care instructions, you can choose to hand wash or machine wash your abaya and kandura. If handwashing is recommended, fill a basin or sink with lukewarm water and add a gentle detergent suitable for the fabric type. Submerge the garments and gently agitate them, paying extra attention to any stained areas. Allow them to soak for a short time, if necessary. Afterward, rinse the garments thoroughly with clean water until no soap residue remains.

If machine washing is permitted, use a delicate cycle and select cold water. Add an appropriate amount of mild detergent to the machine. To protect the garments during the wash cycle, place them inside a mesh laundry bag or pillowcase with a secure closure. This step prevents potential damage caused by friction with other items in the machine.

  • Drying

After washing, carefully remove the abaya and kandura from the water, being gentle to avoid stretching or damaging the fabric. Gently squeeze out excess water without wringing or twisting the garments, as it may distort their shape. Lay them flat on a clean towel and reshape them as necessary, ensuring they are evenly spread out. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight or high heat sources, such as radiators or dryers, as they can fade or shrink the fabric. Allow the garments to air dry completely.

  • Ironing and Steaming

Once the abaya and kandura are dry, you may need to remove any wrinkles. Check the fabric’s specific ironing instructions to determine the appropriate temperature setting. If ironing, set the iron to the recommended temperature and gently press the garments, taking care around any embellishments or delicate details. If using a steamer, hold it a few inches away from the fabric and allow the steam to penetrate the fibers, gradually removing wrinkles as you move along the garment.

  • Professional Cleaning

If your abaya or kandura has intricate embellishments, delicate fabrics, or if the care instructions specifically recommend professional cleaning, it’s advisable to take them to a reputable dry cleaner experienced in handling such garments. Professional cleaners have the expertise and specialized equipment to clean and preserve the garments properly while minimizing the risk of damage.


The right technique for cleaning your abaya and kandura is important. By following the instructions outlined in this blog post, you can ensure that your clothing remains looking its best. Whether you’re hand washing or using a machine, taking this extra step of care will have a big effect on extending the life of these items. Additionally, considering taking preventative measures such as using a color guard spray before washing to protect your garments from fading or bleeding makes all the difference.

Moreover, if you really want to keep those colors vibrant and fabric soft always make sure to use lukewarm water when washing both items and never mix lights with darks. Finally, don’t forget to take advantage of our upcoming wheel alignment services at Sirwiss so you can look sharp wherever life takes you.

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