It’s Only a Nail Appointment to Play Dress-Up

It’s Only a Nail Appointment to Play Dress-Up

Experts agree that fingernails and toenails are evolutionarily like paws and claws. The tough, outer layer of the fingernails makes the fingers one of the hand’s most robust portions. Normal activities, such as clutching, become safer as a result. Many tiny blood vessels supply the fingernails, allowing them to keep receiving blood even when the grip is extremely tight.   Nails […]

If it Makes You Feel Beautiful, Then Do It

If it Makes You Feel Beautiful, Then Do It

The concept of beauty can be interpreted in various ways. Some people say it’s all shallow level appeal, while others think it extends to more than just how you feel on the inside. Because beauty is subjective, you still can’t bring yourself to label others who don’t share your views as ugly even if they disagree with what you’ve done […]

Great Hair, Even Greater Styles

Great Hair, Even Greater Styles

It can be intimidating to reach out to a hair stylist without a clear vision of your desired look, and it takes time and effort to learn which hairstyles work best with your facial features. Hairstylists tend to agree that there are certain shapes and styles that work better than others for highlighting your best features (or hiding the ones you […]