Beauty & Spa
Do You Pay Attention to Your Skin Care Routine?

Do You Pay Attention to Your Skin Care Routine?

Even if you spend a lot of time and money for the perfect combination of ingredients for your skin type, applying any beauty product in the wrong order might have the opposite of the desired result. This is true even if you carefully follow the directions for each product you buy. For example, you may be wondering if your moisturizer or serum should be used first during your skincare regimen. When it comes to your skin, which product is preferable, retinol or moisturizer? Sirwiss has collaborated with Salon service professionals to lay out the treatments in a precise order to assist you get the most out of your skincare program. Follow the instructions and you’ll always know what to use, when to use and you may save time and effort. 

Using Multiple Skincare Products 

Consider the texture of your skincare products to help you memorize their order. You should apply them in the order of lightest to heavy. Serums are lightweight, therefore if you apply them after a thick cream, the cream will act as a barrier, preventing the serum from reaching your skin. As per the Sirwiss experts, water-based products should be used first since they are the closest to the skin. Many moisturizers include water, which may dilute another product put on top of it. The sole exception to this guideline is when using a facial oil. Oilier skin types will most likely choose for a moisturizer or a facial oil. Both treatments may be utilized for dry and combination skin types, although a thick cream is not always the final product you’d use. So, here’s what “lightest to heaviest” truly implies. To seal everything else in, use oil-dominant products like a facial oil on top. Therefore, an oil-based serum would be applied last, rather than right after cleansing, as a typical water-based serum would.  

Everything Rests on Timing 

Sirwiss partnered salon professionals say, you should wait a couple of minutes between skincare stages before applying the next product to allow it to properly seep into the skin. Some products, such as acne treatments, take a few hours to react, therefore they should be applied at night without anything else on top else it would keep them from reaching your skin. Retinol and prescription-strength retinoids promote collagen production and successfully cure fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and acne. They do, however, enhance the skin’s sensitivity to the sun and should therefore be used only at night. 

Procedures for Caring for Your Skin 

Step 1: Cleanse 

The typical rule of thumb is to cleanse your skin twice every day; once in the morning and once in the evening. According to our experts, cleansing in the morning can assist to erase any signs of perspiration or oil left on your face. The twice-daily rule has one frequent exception: Skin that is dry. If you have a dry skin, it’s important to use plain water in the morning. 

Step 2: Moisturize 

The next step is to apply a moisturizer or other hydrating lotion. Swiss specialists advise using a fragrance and oil-free moisturizer, since this is the safest option for even the most sensitive and acne-prone skin. Moreover, this phase may be used to treat certain skin issues simultaneously besides seeking for a moisturizer that is formulated with additional components that target specific needs. Although the list of skin-care product range is vast and constantly evolving, focus on a few of the most important ones in relation to moisturizer. 

Step 3: Protect 

Your first line of defense and prevention against skin cancer is sunscreen. Our experts explain that if you only do one thing for your skin, it should be sun protection. Choose an SPF 30 or higher sunscreen and use it every day, even when it’s overcast, as the last step in your skin-care regimen. 

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