Wallpaper Installation
Sometimes the Simplest of Touches Can Transform a Room

Sometimes the Simplest of Touches Can Transform a Room

If you’re about to become a first-time mom, you could be preoccupied with a million other details before you even think about the baby room. If you have already given birth, it’s natural to want your space back after having a baby if they’ve been sleeping in your room for the first few months. After all, we all need our own private retreat to recharge our batteries every now and then. 

Designing a nursery or a child’s room is a major task regardless of the age or gender of the child. Even if you merely want to replace the wallpaper in your child’s room, you must consider the child’s age. For smaller children, you might want to purchase something that is both durable and easy to clean.  

Continue reading if you need assistance designing a dynamic nursery or even a kid’s room, as Sirwiss’s network of wallpaper installation service experts knows precisely how to direct you.  

What Is a “Nursey”? 

From the aesthetic design to its necessities and requirements, such as a cot, changing table, curtains, wallpaper, and a baby monitor, a checklist contains the essentials to turn a basic room into a nursery. Some may say when you have a nursery, your child may experience separation anxiety because this is the first time your child will be away from you for an extended amount of time at nursery. In the long run, however, your child will benefit greatly from the independence and freedom to explore. The addition of a nursery also offers your newborn with their own identity, a room in which they can feel safe and peaceful. 

Definition of a ‘Kid’s Room’ 

The phrase “kid’s room” can be used to refer to any room or space that is predominantly used by children. This includes both bedrooms and play/game rooms. Of fact, “kids” might mean anything from infants to teenagers, depending on your point of view. Our goal is to select wallpapers that will “grow” with your children (more on this in a section below). Although kids’ tastes may (and likely will) differ from those of adult interior designers, decorating a kid’s room affords you the opportunity to get particularly imaginative with your wallpaper choice. 

Why Use Wallpaper in Kids’ Rooms? 

Wallpaper patterns for children’s rooms have advanced significantly in recent years. They are no longer confined to bright colors and Disney characters. Wallpaper is now available in a variety of designs, ranging from whimsical patterns to realistic themes. While wallpaper is frequently linked with classic decor, it can also be a terrific way to add fun to a modern environment. The patterns used in wallpapering can be both attractive and functional. Insulating a room with wallpaper can lessen the amount of noise and heat lost or gained. 

Wallpaper can also serve as focal points, visually extending a small room. With so many advantages, it’s no surprise that wallpaper patterns are becoming increasingly popular in children’s rooms. Wallpaper can provide color and liveliness to a child’s room and is available in a wide range of colors, textures, and patterns, making it an excellent way to personalize any area.  

Wallpapering a Child’s Room: Things to Consider First 

Who Will Use the Room? 

Because you’re designing the room for another, unless it’s an infant, include them in the process. Allowing children to have some say in the final wallpaper selection will at the very least help them feel included in the process and allow them to connect with their wallpaper design choice. It also means that the final room design will feel more personalized and unique to them. 

Get them feedback on wallpaper color and pattern to make kids feel truly involved in the interior design project. Do they prefer flowery prints? What about the hues yellow and beige? Knowing about their favorite colors is a simple yet powerful technique to involve children in decision-making. 

How Many Walls are You Going to Wallpaper? 

You have many design options to choose from, such as the traditional method of wallpapering all four walls or constructing a single accent wall. Obviously, combining and matching wallpaper can create a truly unique and individualized effect, and it can be the ideal solution if two or more children share a room. Occasionally, the preferences of the children utilizing a room will differ, so incorporating multiple colors and patterns can help the space feel ideal for everyone. 

Wallpaper Materials and Cleaning  


When designing a child’s room, it’s important to choose products that will tangibly endure the test of time. Both the wallpaper material and its durability are essential for ensuring that your walls not only last for a long time, but also continue to appear flawless over time. Wallpaper is available in a variety of materials; some are more suitable for children’s rooms than others.  

Here are some of the most popular wallpaper materials and our thoughts on their use in children’s rooms:  

1 Wallpaper with a vinyl coat is one of the finest materials for wallpapering a child’s room. With a super-thin layer of acrylic or polyvinyl chloride applied on top, these wallpapers are completely scrubbable and simple to clean. This thin coating makes these wallpapers more resistant to moisture and oil. No more problems with sticky fingertips!  

2 As the most enduring wallpaper material, solid vinyl is ideal for children’s rooms. Like the previous category, the surface of these wallpapers is composed of vinyl. Water-resistance is a great quality of solid vinyl wallpaper because it has no surface holes and is therefore entirely impervious to moisture. It is durable and easy to clean. 

3 Silkscreen, flocked, mica, and grasscloth provide a high-end, luxurious feel; however, they are not recommended for children’s rooms because they are typically more fragile and difficult to clean than standard wallpaper. 

Cleaning Possibilities 

All wallpapers contain symbols that convey information about the product’s attributes. For a child’s room, the washability and durability of the wallpaper surface are the two most essential characteristics to consider. Consider the first four symbols in the preceding chart: water resistance, washability, extremely wash resistance, and scrubbability. These are the most important signs to watch out for. The presence of these symbols indicates that your wallpaper choice is more suitable for a child’s bedroom. Whether it’s an inadvertent paint splatter during finger painting or your children wanting to color on the wallpaper, the ability to easily clean the surface is essential. 

Wallpaper Color and Pattern for Mood Setting 

Wallpaper “Color” in a Kid’s Room  

When designing a child’s bedroom, it’s best to stick to using light and airy hues that will catch the eye. Although a darker color palette can make a dining room or powder room look more refined, it may be too somber for a child’s bedroom or playroom. Since color preferences vary from person to person, it’s important to solicit the opinions of the kids. Wallpaper patterns that incorporate both light and bright colors are ideal if you want to maintain the room’s color palette neutral while also satisfying the youngsters’ desire for something flashy. 

Wallpaper “Pattern” in a Kid’s Room 

We have already mentioned how the durability of wallpaper design will allow the product to “grow up” with the child(ren) utilizing the room. Let’s consider some instances!  

First, floral wallpaper is always and eternally fashionable. Some floral wallpapers are updated while others are abstract. Wallpapers with minimalist floral patterns are a fashionable and durable design choice. In other words, the floral wallpaper does not appear to be overly “busy” or intricate, and the pattern features a pleasing balance of design and negative space.  

Abstract wallpaper is another category that is suitable for use in a child’s room. Typically, these wallpaper patterns are straightforward color combinations that resemble a painted canvas. Occasionally, the abstract character of a wallpaper pattern is combined with other wallpaper types, such as floral or brick. Abstract wallpaper has an artistic quality that distinguishes it from other wallpaper designs. 

Whether you’re looking for a photo wallpaper design for your nursery or your kid’s bedroom, with so many fun and inspiring designs to choose from, you’re sure to find the perfect one for your home. 

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