Personal Training
These Exercises Can Help You Remove Belly Fat

These Exercises Can Help You Remove Belly Fat

The biggest motivation for anyone to start losing weight comes from looking at themselves in the mirror. One of the factors of people’s low self-esteem is when they feel unhappy with their weight. They compare themselves to more fit people that look built and chiseled like supermodels and feel jealous and shame of their own bodies.

If you want to shed all that fat, these exercises can help you do that if you incorporate them in any weight loss plan that involves either gym or exercise.

                1. Crunches

One of the easiest exercises you can do as a beginner is by doing crunches. Crunches specifically target your abdominal muscles, which are one part of what makes up your core. A core consists of not only your abs but also your oblique muscles, which are located on the sides of your trunk. It also includes the muscles in your pelvis, lower back, and hips. All of that makes up your core, which helps in stabilizing your body.

It’s a popular move, but it’s also not a safe one. Crunches put much stress on your back and neck, which can cause problems if you’ve ever had back or neck injuries. Another reason is that it only works on your abs and nowhere else in your core.

                2. Plank

Another exercise you can do can be described as doing a pushup, but you only have to stay still when pushing yourself up from the ground. The Plank helps strengthen your core area, including the abdominal muscles. Planking is also helpful for your shoulders, arms, and glutes. Hold your body off the ground in a straight line like a table for as little as 1 minute, or as long as you can until you give up. Doing this exercise every day for 30 days will help to do wonders for your body in reducing your big belly.

                3. Bicycle Crunches

Just like doing a normal Crunch, Bicycle Crunches are an easy beginner-level exercise that uses no equipment whatsoever. They target the rectus abdominis, oblique muscles, and hips. You can do this lying on your back, as it involves twisting your body from side to side. The bicycle crunch can be easily modified to make it easier for beginners like you or more intense if you want an extra challenge.

                4. Russian Twists

Named after an exercise developed for Soviet soldiers during the Cold War, the Russian Twist has become a universal exercise because of its popularity.  It targets the oblique muscles and helps tone the sides of your waist. Doing this exercise can be an effective way to build your core and shoulders. Even athletes do the Russian Twist since it’s beneficial for their rotational movement, which often happens in sports.

                5. Squats

Squats are one of the most popular exercises that target the lower back, legs, and body core. It’s a full-body exercise that can help tone the sides of your waist while strengthening your muscles and burning fat. But be careful. If you try to squat without a proper way of doing it, you might end up putting your knees in a world of hurt. To ensure this doesn’t happen, always remember that your knees must stay in line with your feet during squatting.

                6. Deadlifts

One of the most basic exercises for gymgoers is using one of the essential equipment in the gym. Deadlifting involves squatting down, picking up either a dumbbell or a kettlebell, and raising yourself back up again. Deadlifts target the entire core, including the abs and lower back, as well as the legs and hips. Unlike squats, deadlifting won’t hurt your knees as they will remain stable throughout the entire exercise.

                7. High-intensity interval training (HIIT)

As the name says, High-intensity interval training, or HIIT for short, takes cardio exercises and turns them up to 11. It combines short bursts of high-intensity activity with periods of recovery, effectively reducing belly fat and improving cardiovascular fitness. On the other hand, doing this exercise will push your body out of its comfort zone and into its limits. You’ll sweat faster than usual, but you’ll build muscle and boost your metabolism in the long run.

                8. Cardio Exercises

Cardio exercises are the kinds of activity that involve aerobic metabolism. This means, in simple English, oxygen is used heavily to create the energy needed to keep the activity going. These cardio activities are brisk walking, running, jogging, swimming, cycling, dancing, rowing, kayaking, football, jumping rope, etc.

When you perform any cardio exercise, the benefits are limitless. Your heart will improve, your metabolic rate will increase, and your mood and energy will also improve. Not to mention, you’ll also have a more robust immune system when doing cardio.


The road to having a fit body is a long and arduous journey for most people. It will require grit, determination, and consistency on your part. Sirwiss can help you achieve that goal by booking a Personal Trainer through our website. Go to today to get someone who’s all about fitness and can push you to your limits to get that fit, healthy body that everyone loves.

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